Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Our Community Pledge

We try to work with our neighbours at all times

At Braywood we care about our local community and the impact we have on our neighbours. As a result we have drawn up a code of conduct which outlines the expected behaviour from our parents when they are outside of our school. This is merely an extension of the polite and courteous behaviours we extend to others when we are in the school environment. This document was written by our parents in consultation with our neighbours.

Certain behaviours are not acceptable at Braywood

  • shouting at another parent or a member of staff
  • handling a complaint in a rude or abrasive manner
  • any form of physical abuse or swearing
  • We are a community who have to work together to maintain the sort of environment that our children would feel comfortable and confident within. This does extend to the local community and passing motorists.

Please read our code of conduct and act accordingly.


We are always working to improve the congestion outside our school 

We take our responsibility towards the safety and well being of our local community very seriously. We feel that we have a duty to ensure that our neighbours, passing motorists and our staff, children and parents are safe outside our school.

We operate a very successful 'kiss and drop' scheme between 8.20 and 8.45am every morning. Staff are on duty collecting children from their parents' cars in order to reduce the congestion on the road. For this system to work all parents have to queue from the Maidenhead direction and Windsor parents have to drive past the school and turn around. We collect between 50 and 70 children every day which is a reduction of 50% of our parents' cars off the road every day. 

Everyone has a duty of care to ensure that we preserve a respectful environment around such young children and to be more tolerant of each other. 

Our travel plan outlines the progress we have made over the past 5 years in reducing the amount of cars we have parked outside our school and the initiatives we have taken to reduce the congestion on the road. It outlines our journey in securing the yellow passing spaces and how we are planning to create a new pedestrian entrance.