Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Curriculum for All - SEND

  Every Child is Unique and Special

We are an inclusive school that welcomes and celebrates diversity.  All staff believe having high self-esteem is crucial to a child’s emotional well-being and academic progress. We have a caring, understanding team who look after all of our children.

We adhere to the RBWM admission arrangements regarding pupils with SEN. 

All staff ensure that pupils with SEN are treated as favourably as the able children and our data suggests that the vast majority of children with SEN perform as well as National averages or above. 

Additional Educational Needs 

The term Special Educational Needs acknowledge that many social, behavioural, physical and educational factors may affect a child’s learning. The school will liaise with the Local Educational Authority when assessing and providing for children with particular educational needs.

At Braywood, specific needs are identified through class assessments, consultation with parents, previous school records and health agencies. An excellent pupil:child ratio offered by our school can be particularly suitable for some children with Special Educational Needs.

Gifted and Talented

We aim to identify children who are potentially very able or who demonstrate a particular aptitude for a curriculum area. We plan to nurture these gifts and seek creative new platforms to extend our provision. Whether it is in the field of sport, academia or creativity, the pupils at Braywood are given additional support or opportunities to foster these gifts even further. 

Facts and figures

At Braywood we usually have 2% of pupils who have a statement (Educational Health and Care Plan) and have approximately 25% of our children working in an intervention or challenge group. These range from children who need professional support, children who require additional support and 'catch up and keep up' groups where children have fallen a little behind.

The headteacher is our SENCo and she coordinated all these groups from her provisional mapping data. 

SENCO - Mrs Susan Calvert

Below are details of our local offer and a very comprehensive borough website which outlines the resources available within Windsor and Maidenhead.