Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Braywood Extra and Clubs

 What is Braywood Extra?

Braywood Extra offers a safe, healthy and caring environment acknowledging that children's well-being and high educational standards go hand-in-hand. We know that by working in partnership with families and the local community we can enable children to fulfil their potential.

At Braywood, our extended services are thriving and offer excellent value for money. The provision is run by the school and is heavily subsidised to ensure low prices.

Closely linked to the work of the school, Braywood Extra helps raise the standards in our school, supports parents return back to work and helps balance their work and family life. Our club is coordinated by Braywood staff to ensure continuity of our school ethos.

Breakfast Club

Children can start school at 7.45am in our Breakfast Club. A warm and wholesome breakfast is provided or children can just drop In depending upon need.

Kiss and Drop

Our 'Kiss and Drop' facility at 8.20am is very popular and allows parents to have their child collected from the car and delivered to their classroom safely for the start of the school day.

Grab and Go 

Our 'Grab and Go' facility allows parents to collect their child from the staff car park. Parents can park in the school car park. Children can be collected up to 20 minutes after the school day. 

After School Club

Our After School Club runs until 5.30pm and can include a healthy and delicious tea. The club is directed by the children with exciting activities and play opportunities.

Both clubs are Ofsted registered and are run by suitably qualified and trained staff employed by Braywood CE School. Parents may be able to apply for the childcare element of Working Tax Credits to support some of the costs of eligible school-based childcare.

Extra Curricular Clubs 

The staff are very committed to ensuring that there is a wide choice of extra-curricular clubs for children to participate in. 

These include:

Rugby, Football, Basketball, Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Tennis, Sewing, Gardening, Cooking, Art, ICT all of which extend the children's experiences.

More details can be found on the calendar. 

Early Birds  
Isobel Reeves
Squirrel Club
Danielle Gibson
Lorraine O'Neill
Sally Hackett
Come along and meet our friendly staff!