Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Behaviour for Learning

Respect for everyone in our community is essential

Within a community, rules are essential. These are mostly matters of common sense and to ensure the safety of our children. The emphasis in the school is to praise good behaviour, attitude and effort and increase children’s awareness of the need to make a positive contribution to their community. When sanctions are necessary they will be appropriate to the child and the incident.

The school has a Home-School Agreement, which we ask parents, guardians, children and teachers to sign. This is found inside each child's learning log.

From the UNICEF Children's Rights we compose our class charters where children understand (for example) they have the right to learn in class, but the responsibility to allow other to do the same. We have 3 essential rues ...are you being RESPECTFUL, SAFE and READY?

We have a clear set of rewards and incentives which are used consistently with the children including the headteacher's award, merit marks and stickers. Golden Time and getting your name written in the Golden Book are used to re-enforce and reward positive attitude or behaviour. There are stickers for achieving your spelling and maths competencies homework; a free reading book when a child achieves a reading award and a free pencil when they achieve a writing award. We have a pen licence award and learn our tables using a Mars bar challenge. All of these are presented at ou celebration assembly. The 'star of the week' in each class has lunch with the Headteacher. 

If a child behaves inappropriately, they are given a warning using an amber card and ultimately a red card. Children have the opportunity to change this by modifying their behaviour and showing a significant effort to improve.