Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Parent & Teacher Association

Our PTA - Friends of Braywood

Everyone is part of this organisation

The school has a thriving parent and teacher group called the 'Friends of Braywood PTA'. Various social and fund-raising events are held throughout the year. Parents feel it offers a positive means by which they can contribute to the school. It also helps to promote a good home and school relationships.

All parents are automatically members of the PTA. A committee is appointed each year and volunteers are always welcome. Many events are organised including a Christmas fair, a social event and a Fête during the summer. These events raise money that would not otherwise be available to the school. Each class has their own 'class rep' who helps the whole year group.

Any of the existing committee members are usually willing to talk about current fund-raising activities and how the committee is organised. Do please come along and attend our regular meetings.

We have a group of parents who are working alongside our residents to ensure that we maintain a positive mutual  relationships. If you are interested in supporting this group do contact the office.

We make a real difference

We make a massive contribution to the resources at Braywood and ultimately the education of our children. Through our fundraising events we have raised enough money for:

  • A Maths Scheme (Abacus) and associated software
  • A Reading Scheme Read Write Inc by Ruth Miskin) with hundreds of books and teaching resources
  • A Maths learning tool (Numecon) 
  • Bug Club and My Maths electronic homework schemes
  • Hundreds of Reading books for our Reading Scheme
  • An ICT suite of Dell standalone computers 
  • A suite of Dell laptops
  • Visualisers and cameras
  • The International Primary Curriculum 
  • Playground equipment
  • Playground blackboards and larger play equipment 

We are saving up at the moment for some galaxy tablets, two sheds and some large seating in the field. 

If you ever go shopping and want to raise money for Braywood at the same time click on the link below and use our fundraising site or click on 'funds' on the homepage.