Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Child Protection

Keeping our children safe

At our school we aim to create an atmosphere in which children feel secure, valued, are listened to and taken seriously. We work in partnership with you, the parents, to support children in every way possible. The Children’s Act places a clear responsibility on schools to ensure that they work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. As a result, if concerns are raised by the school, a child or parent, we would not be able to guarantee confidentiality. In line with Government and Child Protection Policy the matter would have to be referred to the Social Services.


We aim to provide a caring environment which will underpin the Braywood vision and a curriculum where self-esteem can be nurtured and children empowered to protect themselves. Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. There are five main elements to our policy:

  • Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children.
  • Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe.
  • Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.
  • Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan.
  • Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.